official site - Buy the GP2X Linux console
Main Page -
myGP2X: The GP2X FAQ
I was surprised, when I read "The GP2X FAQ". So I just cited the some part.
What's a GP32?
The GP32 is a really cool predecessor to the GP2X and has been very successful on the homebrew scene. Although it looks like a Nintendo Game Boy Advance, it can do a whole lot more.
We're not going to cover the GP32 in details - you can find out more information than you can throw a stick at over at GP32 Wikipedia entry - but this 133 MHz device with 8Mb of RAM (though both could be overclocked and upgraded respectively) was a big hit because anyone could put software onto the GP32 and not have to pay royalties or purchase a costly device SDK (unlike every other handheld manufacturer). This ensured a solid cult following.
I've never heard of a GP32! Why?
The GP32 was only really available in Korea at launch and it took months to get the GP32 into Europe (by which time the GP32 had evolved to the more feature-rich GP32 BLU). There was a lot of confusion surrounding the European launch and despite lots of very developer-friendly features; it was never really noticed by mainstream press / users. Additionally, the GP32 never made it officially to America.
Yesterday, I bought Linux magazine which was published a few months ago and I did know there has Linux console which is GP2X and official site was UK.
And then I found out that GP32 was originally made by Korean company because I think I heard about GP32 from somewhere definitely not from Korean because I don't even read any Korean news paper or article.
I am telling you. If you are working this kind of Korean company, you can contact me for better oversea business. I can consulting a lot of things which you can make more bigger business.
Yah. I don't think you can understand what I am saying.. Don't worry I will wirte this one to my Korean blog by Korean.
^_~ Ara
Nobody can change the world. But you can make a difference. - Ara
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
about Locationfree TV, Slingbox
Wikipedia - LocationFree Player
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CES: PSP LocationFree TV details
Posted Jan 5th 2006 3:30PM by James Ransom-Wiley
* Toby Udstuen's comment
10. This Location Free TV product from Sony is a complete and total SCAM!!! Sony has taken a page from the Microsoft Media Center play book. Sony completely blocks the PSP from playing streaming media over the wi-fi link from the web. So now you have ponied up the $250 bucks for the PSP, then Sony adds this location free tv feature, great, right! Then Sony hits you up for another $300 bucks for the wireless tv base station that in reality is a completely usless bit of hardware when an informed customer looks at the alternative products availible for wireless tv viewing. I have been running ORB TV software on an old 2.4 ghz desktop pc for 6 months now. Orb needs a tv tuner card installed which cost me $130 bucks for a dual tuner tv card from Hauppauge. Then you download ORB's software and create an ORB account. As long as ORB is running on your desktop pc you can literally view/record live tv, photos, and videos from anywhere that has a high speed internet connection using any pc, laptop, pda, or EVDO windows mobile phone. The best part is that the ORB software is free! So lets see 300 bucks for the Sony base station which only streams to the PSP or the ORB setup using your desk pc and if you have no tv tuner requires the purchase of a minimum 40 dollar investment for a tuner card. I have been floored by the great quality of the ORB TV software it has allowed my to watch my local news programs in realtime or schedule recordings while I am on the other side of the country flawlessly and I have also watched recorded video's over the web on a friends pc that uses a 56 kbs modem and found the stream surprisingly good if a little small. This whole product line from Sony is their way of SCREWING their PSP customers. This whole thing is just like when Microsoft started marketing their MCE software. Microsoft from the beginning decided that the MCE operating system was not allowed to be sold to users unless these users purchased an entire MCE pc through an OEM costing literally thousands of dollars, now after poor sales Microsoft sells the MCE software individually! This is exactly what Sony will find out after they find that no one will shell out 300 bucks to watch wireless tv on a PSP's 7 inch screen and by next year after poor base station sales Sony will release a firmware that allows the PSP to view streaming media content from any source not just Sony's solutions.
Posted at 6:46PM on Jan 9th 2006 by Toby Udstuen
LocationFree TV sounds great, but glitches are a turnoff
By Edwared C. Baig
Posted 12/1/2004 10:07 PM Updated 12/2/2004 12:01 AM
Can your video iPod do this?By David Carnoy Executive editor, CNET Reviews(November 10, 2005)
Sony's new Locationfree TV drops the location free TV
Posted Sep 5th 2005 9:45AM by Ryan Block
Sony Location Free TV
Ashley Norris
Thursday June 22, 2006
The Guardian
LocationFree - Overview
Sony Learning Center
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sling Media - Products
How Slingbox Works
by Julia Layton
Orb (software)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MyCast your digital media with Orb 2.0 remote pc access software
Orb Official site
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VideoLAN - Free Software and Open Source video streaming solution for every OS!
VideoLAN Offical site
^_~ Ara
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CES: PSP LocationFree TV details
Posted Jan 5th 2006 3:30PM by James Ransom-Wiley
* Toby Udstuen's comment
10. This Location Free TV product from Sony is a complete and total SCAM!!! Sony has taken a page from the Microsoft Media Center play book. Sony completely blocks the PSP from playing streaming media over the wi-fi link from the web. So now you have ponied up the $250 bucks for the PSP, then Sony adds this location free tv feature, great, right! Then Sony hits you up for another $300 bucks for the wireless tv base station that in reality is a completely usless bit of hardware when an informed customer looks at the alternative products availible for wireless tv viewing. I have been running ORB TV software on an old 2.4 ghz desktop pc for 6 months now. Orb needs a tv tuner card installed which cost me $130 bucks for a dual tuner tv card from Hauppauge. Then you download ORB's software and create an ORB account. As long as ORB is running on your desktop pc you can literally view/record live tv, photos, and videos from anywhere that has a high speed internet connection using any pc, laptop, pda, or EVDO windows mobile phone. The best part is that the ORB software is free! So lets see 300 bucks for the Sony base station which only streams to the PSP or the ORB setup using your desk pc and if you have no tv tuner requires the purchase of a minimum 40 dollar investment for a tuner card. I have been floored by the great quality of the ORB TV software it has allowed my to watch my local news programs in realtime or schedule recordings while I am on the other side of the country flawlessly and I have also watched recorded video's over the web on a friends pc that uses a 56 kbs modem and found the stream surprisingly good if a little small. This whole product line from Sony is their way of SCREWING their PSP customers. This whole thing is just like when Microsoft started marketing their MCE software. Microsoft from the beginning decided that the MCE operating system was not allowed to be sold to users unless these users purchased an entire MCE pc through an OEM costing literally thousands of dollars, now after poor sales Microsoft sells the MCE software individually! This is exactly what Sony will find out after they find that no one will shell out 300 bucks to watch wireless tv on a PSP's 7 inch screen and by next year after poor base station sales Sony will release a firmware that allows the PSP to view streaming media content from any source not just Sony's solutions.
Posted at 6:46PM on Jan 9th 2006 by Toby Udstuen
LocationFree TV sounds great, but glitches are a turnoff
By Edwared C. Baig
Posted 12/1/2004 10:07 PM Updated 12/2/2004 12:01 AM
Can your video iPod do this?By David Carnoy Executive editor, CNET Reviews(November 10, 2005)
Sony's new Locationfree TV drops the location free TV
Posted Sep 5th 2005 9:45AM by Ryan Block
Sony Location Free TV
Ashley Norris
Thursday June 22, 2006
The Guardian
LocationFree - Overview
Sony Learning Center
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sling Media - Products
How Slingbox Works
by Julia Layton
Orb (software)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MyCast your digital media with Orb 2.0 remote pc access software
Orb Official site
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VideoLAN - Free Software and Open Source video streaming solution for every OS!
VideoLAN Offical site
^_~ Ara
Saturday, March 24, 2007
most powerful brainwash...I have ever seen
Actually, it is second most powerful brainwash.I know one of best brainwash, but it will make a lot of problem so I will talk about it some other time.
I do not know how many people will believe what I am saying. But, I have been debate about network marketing(Here I am talking about the multi-level marketing but I don't know what is proper name for this so I just wrote the network marketing.) for 2 times with my friend. Problem with talking with my friend was I cannot tell the truth. For example, everybody can make money that easily how come nobody tell me how much money they made. Of course, there has success story but it is top people only.
And it was clever way to buy product with point which can make money so I asked price of cheapest product.She said that 17ringgit for Shampoo or something which I can buy it 10ringgit from Carrefour or Jusco.(I also ask 2 or 3 more cheapest product but price was expensive than Carrefour or Jusco.)So truth is they don't give back point for buying product. Actually, you paid extra money and that goes to the point. And not only that. Some of extra money goes to company and your network marketer, too.
And she explained to me about how it works and she drew me the network diagram. So I asked why someone want to buy from you because she has her manager or something. I mean if I want to do this network marketing, why I should buy from bottom line's network marketer. Because I will buy product from top line's network marketer. And then she was confused and she was not sure about that..
You see, that was most important thing in network marketing how she was not sure about that.
I explained about this by very logical way. But, she never listens. And she was not happy because she said that I gave too much negative..That's what I call the brainwash. I cannot explain by logic and I cannot questioning about their problem.
You see, they advertising all kind of nice word like "You can work at home." or "You can work at home and earn 5,000ringgit a month" but they don't tell the truth about themselves.
Most strong point she thought she made was that "I am nothing too loose.". I couldn't reply it but actaully I would like to reply it. You wasted a lot and a lot of time to learn bad business behaviour and wasting money and wasting your energy. I don't know much about sales person's skill but I believe what Larry King(audiobook - "How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere" ) explain about the sales skill. He said that "Know what you selling". So sales person must understand(learn or know) their product perfectly. She can't learn their product well so that's the reason I said "bad business behaviour".
Some of multi-level marketers complain about what I wrote. So I found more proper answer about this. I haven't read it yet but it looks good answer for multi-level marketing.
Futher reading :Ten Big Lies of Multilevel Marketing by Robert L. Fitzpatrick
The Bottom Line About Multilevel Marketing Plans by FTC(U.S. Ferderal Trade Commission)
What's Wrong With Multi-Level Marketing? a.k.a. "Networking" Companies by Dean Van Druff
Four Lies about MLM by John Milton Fogg
Wikipedia - Multi-level marketing
False Profits
MLM Watch
^_~ Ara
I do not know how many people will believe what I am saying. But, I have been debate about network marketing(Here I am talking about the multi-level marketing but I don't know what is proper name for this so I just wrote the network marketing.) for 2 times with my friend. Problem with talking with my friend was I cannot tell the truth. For example, everybody can make money that easily how come nobody tell me how much money they made. Of course, there has success story but it is top people only.
And it was clever way to buy product with point which can make money so I asked price of cheapest product.She said that 17ringgit for Shampoo or something which I can buy it 10ringgit from Carrefour or Jusco.(I also ask 2 or 3 more cheapest product but price was expensive than Carrefour or Jusco.)So truth is they don't give back point for buying product. Actually, you paid extra money and that goes to the point. And not only that. Some of extra money goes to company and your network marketer, too.
And she explained to me about how it works and she drew me the network diagram. So I asked why someone want to buy from you because she has her manager or something. I mean if I want to do this network marketing, why I should buy from bottom line's network marketer. Because I will buy product from top line's network marketer. And then she was confused and she was not sure about that..
You see, that was most important thing in network marketing how she was not sure about that.
I explained about this by very logical way. But, she never listens. And she was not happy because she said that I gave too much negative..That's what I call the brainwash. I cannot explain by logic and I cannot questioning about their problem.
You see, they advertising all kind of nice word like "You can work at home." or "You can work at home and earn 5,000ringgit a month" but they don't tell the truth about themselves.
Most strong point she thought she made was that "I am nothing too loose.". I couldn't reply it but actaully I would like to reply it. You wasted a lot and a lot of time to learn bad business behaviour and wasting money and wasting your energy. I don't know much about sales person's skill but I believe what Larry King(audiobook - "How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere" ) explain about the sales skill. He said that "Know what you selling". So sales person must understand(learn or know) their product perfectly. She can't learn their product well so that's the reason I said "bad business behaviour".
Some of multi-level marketers complain about what I wrote. So I found more proper answer about this. I haven't read it yet but it looks good answer for multi-level marketing.
Futher reading :Ten Big Lies of Multilevel Marketing by Robert L. Fitzpatrick
The Bottom Line About Multilevel Marketing Plans by FTC(U.S. Ferderal Trade Commission)
What's Wrong With Multi-Level Marketing? a.k.a. "Networking" Companies by Dean Van Druff
Four Lies about MLM by John Milton Fogg
Wikipedia - Multi-level marketing
False Profits
MLM Watch
^_~ Ara
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- Ara
- I am a writer. And very sarcastic one. So if you don't like that kind of things, don't click and read, please. I would like to write anything that can help our society. Have you ever thought about what it makes change the world? Is there any story or movie that touch your life? And you probably can say that that made you changed life.