Nobody can change the world. But you can make a difference. - Ara

Friday, April 08, 2005

My favourite Korean movie


I have not seen many Korean movies but, a lot of movies I like them.

Most my favourite movie should be the Gwicheondo(Gate of Destiny, 1996) directed by Lee geyung young. I know some people said that they just like the sound track called 'Guichundoae'. I like that song, too.
When I watched movie, I was impressed very much. It is quite different from any other movie. It was quite artistic and new style of Fantasy movie.

The other one is Gonggongui jeog (Public Enemy, 2002). When I was watching the movie, I would not like it because conversations were terribly impolite.
I was impressed because of Sul geyung gu's acting. Also it's nice movie.
Now you can see the Public Enemy 2 in Korea. I am not sure still showing in cinema or not.

Whasango (Volcano High, 2001) - I love Jang hyuk's acting.
Swiri (Shiri, 1999)- I like actors-if you know or watched the Seoul's moon-Seoul?? Dal-, you know what I mean.- TV series but, I watched English dubbed one so I do not know how they act.

^_~ Ara

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