I really did not mean to. It suppose to be different but I wrote sms to friend of mine and I realize that a few things can be hurt. That's why I did not suppose to be use sms. I should have to talk not sms.
She said that to me about last time but I thought it is not matter to her because she did not say anything about them. But, she also said that last time also she hurt. I cannot think about what exactly misunderstand about what was I told to her. I have not a clue.(I thought it can be sms but she said that when I talk to her. But, if so, why she did not tell to me.)
So I do not know what to do because she did not want to meet me now.
My sms did not mean to be sad because it cannot be. But, my thought could based on Korea and her thought could based on Malaysia so I think it is definitely different culture and can be happen. That's why I want to explain to her.
I feel cultural thing is not easy. I just hope that I have chance to explain about what I wrote sms for her as soon as possible.
I really hate this happen because it is not suppose to be.
^_~ Ara
Nobody can change the world. But you can make a difference. - Ara
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
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- Ara
- I am a writer. And very sarcastic one. So if you don't like that kind of things, don't click and read, please. I would like to write anything that can help our society. Have you ever thought about what it makes change the world? Is there any story or movie that touch your life? And you probably can say that that made you changed life.
Hey there Ara,
I was reading through your blog. It's very interesting. How's life and how's studies in general? I hope everything is fine with you.
I see that you are having problems with some girl. I just thought I'd say something about it. Don't push it too hard with girls. You have to give them sometime, you know. Otherwise they get uncomfortable. I sort of remember how we used to discuss about these things before and I know it's very difficult to get close to people there, especially with the cultural barrier and all that. Just take things slowly and be nice to everyone. That way you'll get along with everyone.
I haven't seen War Of the Worlds. So I can't really comment on it. The only new movies that I saw were Sin City and The Jacket. I would recommend Sin City only because it's very different but then again, you might not like it because it is very violent and there's a lot of profanity in it as well.
I saw two Korean movies recently. They were made by the same director, Park Chan-wook and right now he's my favourite director. The two movies of his that I saw were Oldboy and Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance.I really enjoyed them both. I don't know if you'd like them but it's better than most hollywood junk. The two movies were part of a trilogy he's making, the theme of which is REVENGE. It goes without saying that I really can't wait for the third insallment in the trilogy. I really like his style of film making. I also saw Shiri again after a long time but this one was dubbed in English so I didn't enjoy it as much. I prefer to watch movies in the original language with English subtitles. Another director I really adore is Wong Kar-wai. He's movies are a bit artsy and a bit different, and not everyone will like his films. I would recommend out of his movies, In The Mood for love(great soundtrack as well) and 2046. The two movies are sort of related and the more you watch them the more you'll realise what a genius this guy really is. His Chungking Express was awesome as well. Just give them a try if you haven't seen them already but like I said it depends on your taste. It's a fairly subjective matter as to what kind of movies people like to watch.
I heard that the two Indonesian guys, Riswan Effendi and Suwandi Chandrasekar, won the CSU scholarship. I am very happy for the both of them. I have been unable to keep in touch with Jack Xu either. If possible could give my regards to Jack? I have been unable to reply to any of his mails.
I hope you have more luck this time round quitting smoking and good luck with your studies.
Thank you very much for good advice :-)
How did you know my blog? A few month ago, I planned email to you but I was bit busy with my part time job and then I could not do that.
And you reply with good comments. :-)
This director was going to more interesting, I guess. Because, he doesn't bother with successed or not. I think you should keep watching his movie.
It's quite surprise about you know the what happen the CSU scholarship because I did not know anything about it. :-)
Jack was fine with his study and his English also quite improve.
Anyway, how was your study? I suggest that you should visit here one day. That's most easiest to show you the how it goes..
Take care!!
hi ara.
i just saw mamdhu's comment for u about that gal thing.
i m glad that u got a friend like him as u always talk about him, now i belive he is a grt friend of urs.
so i guess we both r the only Maldivian friends u have right?
know what we maldivians think very differently compared to ppl here in malaysia. I always find these ppl so ignorant n rude except sum ofcourse.
As mandhu said u shud b little cautious dealing with gals as gals r bit valnurable n they will b hurt more easily. we gals take simple issues a big factor dono y but we think very different from guys.
anyways thanks for sendin me the blog addy..
its bit late now so i better go to slp.. good night n sw dreams..
Hm. It is quite long time ago story. After wrote this blog, I explained to my friend and she understand that. And we were okay.
Anyway thank you guys. I really appreciate this nice comments.
I must visit Maldives one day, because of you guys.
Thanks again.
Hiya Ara,
My girl friend called me today and said she saw your mail in my junk folder. I have no idea how it ended up there. So all this time I wasn't even aware you had emailed me.
I am staying up tonight because I have got to hand in my electronics laboratory report by tomorrow and I still haven't finished it. This report is actually based on logic gates and I kind of enjoy this topic althought some of the stuff can get very complicated.
I also need to prepare for my lab session for tomorrow. The course is really challenging and I have to work very hard in order to keep up. We have to do a mixture of software engineering, electronics and electrical engineering. We are doing a microcontroller project this year whereby we build our own little circuit board and program it using either assembly language or C. We have to solder and mechanically fabricate it as well. It's a lot of work and they expect you to work all the time. I stay at the library every day until 11.30 pm. By the time I go home I am totally knackered.
I am also doing communication systems and that's my favourite topic. I have already decided to specialise in communication engineering once I graduate. They teach us wireless communications, microwave engineering and there's a whole lot of emphasis on programming as well. Since electronics is the foundation of communications we are expected to have a good understanding of it.
Since the London bombings the police are always patrolling around major UK cities. They are usually doing rounds around public places like major shopping centres, railway stations and other such places where a terrorist attack is most likely to happen. I am not that worried about it. In fact I feel quite safe with the police around all the time. I sure as hell would know now that I would never get mugged with the coppers around :P
I think I better get back to work. It's already past midnight here and I still got loads to finish. I'll talk to you soon, alright?
Cheers for putting up the link to your blog for me. I sure enjoy reading about things you have been up to. It's quite interesting indeed.
Take care then. Bye for now.
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