Nobody can change the world. But you can make a difference. - Ara

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I quit smoking again.

I have not been smoking since 27 July. It is very hard to quit smoking. Finally I have got the serious sickness and then I am trying to quit.
Smoking is very addictive so a lot of times, I was thinking about smoking again. But, I will quit smoking completely this time.

I am planning about change the my blog site. It will be

Because, I am having problem with connect this website. When I was trying to connect here or's homepage, it said that cannot connect this domain. So I decided to move my new blog site.

^_~ Ara


Anonymous said...

Hi, I just wanted to say what a great blog you have! I’ve just added you to my favourites.
I have a stop smoking guaranteed site. As the name suggests, my site is a stop smoking guaranteed site.
If you get a chance, come and check out my site… If you are a smoker, you might be suprised at how easy it can be to give up. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello… Just a quick post just to let you know how to save some money! GIVE UP SMOKING!!!
I have a stop smoking aids site. As the name suggests it is a stop smoking aids site, which could possibly save you a dollar or two and who knows, possibly even your life!
If you’ve got time.…… Check it out!!! :-) You may be suprised at how easy it can be to quit. :-) (that's if you know how!)
P.S. Great Blog!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good blog and great post, I quit smoking again.. I like your blog and you may be interested in my site about quitting smoking and my stop smoking help product

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I am a writer. And very sarcastic one. So if you don't like that kind of things, don't click and read, please. I would like to write anything that can help our society. Have you ever thought about what it makes change the world? Is there any story or movie that touch your life? And you probably can say that that made you changed life.